2024 Flag Football Rules
2024 Flag Football Rules
By Logan Williamson | 02/15/2025
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Flag Football Rules
• Teams must field a minimum of five (5) players at all times in age group 4-5 and 6-7. Groups 8-10 and 11-12 will play (6) players at a time. Games will be played and are official if a team can field at least four (4) players. Games will be called ten minutes after the scheduled start time if a team does not have at least 4 players and a 6-0 score will be recorded.
• Teams consist of approximately 9-12 players player rosters will be checked throughout the season.
• Only one coach is permitted on the field or in the huddle. Once a play begins, the coach must step back and not interfere. This includes pushing players at the beginning of a play.
2) Procedures:
• A coin toss determines first possession; The visiting team will call the toss. The winner of the toss will either accept the ball and begin on offense or elect to go on defense. Whichever team plays defense to begin the game will have the ball on offense to begin the 2nd half.
• Ball Size: Age groups with max age 9 and under will use a pee wee ball. Age groups including ages 10 and above will use a junior size ball. All older divisions will use a junior size ball.
• An offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5-yard line and has three (3) plays to cross midfield. Once a team crosses midfield, it has a set of three (3) new downs to score a touchdown. If the offense fails to score, the ball changes possession and the newoffensive team takes over on its own 5-yard line. (Any time a team turns a ball over on downs, regardless of where they are on the field, the opposing team begins their drive at their own 5.)
• Each time the ball is spotted, a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. Teams will receive one warning before a delay-of-game penalty is enforced.
• Each team receives two (2) timeouts per half.
• Play consists of two 20 minute halves. The clock will stop in the 2nd half on a change of possession. In the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half only timeouts, changes of possession, injuries or official timeouts can stop the clock.
• Fields will be clearly marked with painted lines, cones & discs. Field length= 66x30 yds.
Note: There are no kickoffs, no punts and no blocking is allowed. 3) Scoring Touchdown: 6 points
Extra point: 1 point (played from 5-yard line no-run zone) or 2 points (played from 12-yard line)
Note: Interceptions on an extra points can not be returned.
Safety: 2 points (plus defense gets possession of the ball on their own 5 yd line)
4) Timing/Overtime
• Games are played to 40 minutes running time.
• If the score is tied at the end of 40 minutes, teams move directly into overtime with a coin toss
for possession. Overtime format is Texas shootout with the ball placed at the 12 yard line. Each
team will have 3 downs to score. If successful, a team may opt for a 1 or 2 pt conversion. If the
game is still tied after 1 overtime period the 2nd team to have possession in OT 1 will receive the
ball first and each team will have 1 play to produce the most net yards from scrimmage from the
12 yard line (heading towards the goal). If the ball carrier's flag is pulled in the backfield the loss of yardage will be noted. If both teams score on their possession in OT2, procede to OT3, etc. No
extra points are to be attempted in OT2 and beyond.
• Each time the ball is spotted, a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball. Teams will receive one warning before a delay-of-game penalty is enforced.
• Each team has one (1) time out in overtime.
• In the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half, the clock stops only on change of possession or time out.
• Officials can stop the clock if needed.
• Inside the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half, if a TD is scored the clock will stop. An untimed PAT will be attempted. The clock will resume upon the snap of the next offensive play.
• If a touchdown is scored as time expires, a one or two point try will ensue. However, if the score takes place at the conclusion of a game (2nd half), the try will only be attempted if the result of the try has an implication on the outcome of the game. No exceptions.
5) Passing
• Lateral and/or backward passes and pitches are allowed behind the line of scrimmage only. Only one forward pass per down.
• When receiving a pass, the center must be at least one yard beyond the line of scrimmage. Centers are not eligible to receive a direct handoff.
• The quarterback has a seven-second “pass clock.” If a pass is not thrown within the seven seconds, the play is ruled dead. Once the ball is handed off, the seven-second rule no longer is in effect.
• Interceptions change the possession of the ball and are the only changes of possession that
do not start on the 5-yard line. Interceptions are allowed, and can be run back. Completion of an interception is NOT a dead ball, except on an extra point attempt.
6) Running
• Quarterback sneaks or runs are not permitted.
• The quarterback is defined as the person that receives the snap
• Direct hand offs, laterals, pitches and screen passes ARE allowed behind the line of scrimmage.
• If the ball hits the ground on a snap, it is placed where it hit the ground. • “No-run zones” are located 5 yards from each end zone.
• A player who takes a handoff, pitch or backward pass may elect to pass if he/she has not yet crossed the line of scrimmage.
• Once a ball has been handed-off, pitched, or passed, all defensive players can immediately cross the line of scrimmage.
• Only players lined up 7 yards from the line of scrimmage are eligible to immediately cross the line of scrimmage
• Spinning is allowed, but players cannot dive to advance the ball or avoid a defensive player. Diving is not allowed by any offensive player except when attempting to catch a pass.
• The ball must be snapped between the legs of the center and clearly change possession to the QB. The ball can not be handed directly back to the center in sideways fashion (some exceptions apply)
• The ball is spotted where the player’s flag is pulled. The forward most point of progress is marked by the player’s hips/flag belt.
7) Receiving
• All players are eligible to receive passes.
• A player must have at least one foot inbounds with complete control of the ball when making a reception.
• Receivers can leave their feet to catch a pass.
• A receiver’s route can not be cut off or blocked by a defensive player. However, a rusher maintaining a direct line to the quarterback has the right of way.
• The center (snapper) is eligible for a pass when going a minimum of 3 ft past the line of scrimmage.
Once the ball crosses the line of scrimmage, there can be no offensive exchanges of possession. Ex: No hook and laterals or down field handoffs.
8) Dead Balls
• The ball must be snapped between the legs (direct or shotgun), not off to one side, to start play. (Exception when age group 4-6 is present. Snapping to the side is permitted)
• Substitutions can be made at the beginning of a new possession or after any dead ball. • Play is ruled “dead” when:
— Ball carrier’s flag is pulled.
— Ball carrier steps out of bounds.
— Touchdown or safety is scored.
— Ball carrier’s knee hits the ground.
— Ball carrier’s is touched with one hand after flag falls off. — The referee blows the whistle
Note: There are no fumbles. If a ball is fumbled it is the offense’s ball at the spot of the ball hits the ground. If fumbled forward the ball is spotted where the ball came loose.
9) Rushing the Quarterback
•All players who rush the passer must be a minimum of seven yards from the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped. Officials will mark the 7 yard rush point.
•Any number of players can rush the quarterback.
•Players not rushing the quarterback may defend as far forward as the line of scrimmage.
•Once the ball is handed off, the seven-yard rule no longer is in effect, and all defenders may cross the line of scrimmage.
•A special marker, or the referee, will designate seven yards from the line of scrimmage.
Note: Remember, no blocking or tackling is allowed.
10) Sportsmanship
• N Zone Sports Flag Football requires coaches to provide all participants an opportunity to develop their skills, regardless of ability. Coaches are required to actively include every member of his/her team that is eligible to play. This requirement applies to every player listed on a team roster, playoff games. The exception to this is if a player is sick, injured, or does not want to play.
•If an official witnesses any acts of tackling, taunting, cheap shots, elbowing, blocking or any unsportsmanlike act, the game will be stopped and the player will be ejected from the game.
•N Zone Youth Sports exists to provide a positive environment for the enjoyment of all present. All players, coaches, parents and fans are expected to show good sportsmanship at all times, and respect others on and off the field. The league, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to eject, suspend or dismiss anyone from the property for inappropriate behavior detrimental to the league.
•If the official determines that a defensive player tackles an opponent to the ground in an attempt to pull the flag, the defensive player will be warned and a 10 yard penalty will ensue. A second similar infraction will result in an ejection from the game (for the duration of the game), and there will be a 10 yard penalty assessed from the point of infraction.
•Trash talking is not allowed. Officials have the right to determine offensive language. If
trash talking occurs, the referee will give one warning. If it continues, the player or players will be ejected from the game.
11) Attire
•Non-metal cleats are allowed. Inspections will be made.
•All players must wear a protective mouthpiece; no exceptions.
•Official N Zone Flag jerseys must be worn and tucked in, during play. No jeans, no pockets, no jewelry and no hats with lids will be allowed on the field during play.
•Players can not wear yellow shorts.
12) Penalties
Defense: Most defensive penalties will result in 5 yards and automatic first down
Off-sides: Player lined up across the line of scrimmage when ball is snapped
Pass Interference: contact with the receiver before the ball arrives (Spot Foul).
Illegal contact: holding, blocking, bump & run guarding. Penalties will also be enforced when a rusher makes contact with the quarterback’s arm in effort to block a pass.
Illegal flag pull: pulling a player down by or grabbing a hold of a ball carriers clothing. (Spot foul. 5 yds or half the distance to the goal, whichever is more, from spot of foul and automatic first down)
Illegal rushing: starting rush inside 7-yard marker before snap and breaching line of scrimmage.
Offense:Dead Ball Offensive penalties will result in a 5 yard penalty enforced from the line of scrimmage, with NO LOSS OF DOWN. The only spot fouls are defensive pass interference (See above) and flag guarding where a 5 yard penalty AND Loss of down will be assessed from the spot of the infraction.
Illegal motion: false start or.
Illegal forward pass: Only one forward pass is allowed per play. Penalty is a dead ball and loss
of down.
Flag guarding: using hands to swat at or to attempt to prevent a defensive hands from pulling a flag.
Delay of game: There is a 30 second play clock. One warning is issued before a 5 yard penalty. The following offensive penalties result in a 5 yard penalty and a loss of down:
If a defensive PI penalty occurs in the end zone, the ball is spotted
at the 1 yard line, 1st down.
If the rusher does not cross the line of
scrimmage there is no penalty.
Offensive pass interference: illegal pick, pushing off defender Illegal Blocking: moving screens and picks are not allowed
•• •
• Halves and/or games cannot end on a defensive penalty, unless declined by the offense. • Teams may elect to decline penalties called against the opposing team.
14) Playoff Criteria
Division Playoffs (for each age group)
Final playoff standings will be determined by record. In the event of a tie, it is broken in this order:
1) Winning %
2) Head-to-Head
Also covers no more than 1 player in motion when the ball is
snapped. (Multiple offensive players may shift as long as they are set at the time of the snap.
Motion is defined as a player moving at the time of the snap)
Impeding the rusher:
Any movement towards the rusher that impedes his direct path to the ball carrier.
A change of direction by the rusher that results in contact is considered incidental contact
Incidental contact may be called at the official’s discretion. Penalty will be assessed from
the line of scrimmage. THE RUSHER HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY. All penalties will be called by the referee. PLEASE RESPECT THEIR
DECISION. Only the
team captain or head coach may ask the referee for an explanation or
rule clarification during a
game. Players and parents can not question an official’s call. 3) Fewest points scored against 4) Coin Toss
NOTE: The league reserves the right to modify rules during the season. N Zone Sports reserves the right to ask player’s parents/ guardians to produce valid proof of age in the form of a birth certificate or other forms of legal identification.