N Zone Sports of Houston Bay Area offers youth sports leagues and programs for boys and girls in Houston, League City, Friendswood, Dickinson, Pasadena, Clear Lake, Nassau Bay, Webster, Santa Fe, Kemah, Seabrook, Bacliff, Texas City, LaMarque, Hitchcock, and Galveston in Texas.

Houston Bay Area

(832) 352-3305

WINTER T-BALL @ Clear Lake Park

Winter T-Ball Schedule
By Savannah Romero | 03/25/2025


Please arrive at your teams scheduled picture time with your order form already filled out. Order forms can be found on the website on the "Happening Now" Page. There will be extras provided if absolutely necessary.


N ZONE SPORTS - Houston Bay Area


If we cannot play due to extreme weather - it will be posted on the important notice pop up on our website.

If there is only ONE bad weather day - the games will be rescheduled. The current schedule will be pushed back by ONE week to accommodate all currently scheduled games.

If there is a SECOND bad weather day, the schedule will proceed with the one week delay, and the games for that day will be rained out, not rescheduled, and will not be counted toward final championship standings.

If the second rain out occurs at Championships. Awards will still be presented, and All awards will be handed out based on the seasons pre-championship standings